The PostScript Archives 2019

Issue #52 – January 2019

SaferMedsNL: Improving Medication Use Across Newfoundland and Labrador

The Department of Health and Community Services, Memorial University, and the Canadian Deprescribing Network are currently developing a deprescribing project entitled SaferMedsNL. The goal of this initiative is to decrease the use of potentially inappropriate medications and improve the quality of life of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.

SaferMedsNL is a three-year initiative that will focus on reducing the inappropriate use of proton pump inhibitors in year one, sedative-hypnotics in year two and opioids in year three. Through SaferMedsNL, both healthcare providers and patients will have access to evidence-based tools and resources to facilitate approaches to deprescribing, improve both patient and healthcare provider competency for reducing inappropriate medications, and provide opportunity for deprescribing via meaningful discussions between healthcare providers and patients.

SaferMedsNL will officially launch this month. The SaferMedsNL website will soon be available for healthcare providers to explore the inventory of resources and tools available to mobilize knowledge and promote deprescribing across Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Pharmacy Network Newsletter

Did you know that the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information produces a regular newsletter specific to The Pharmacy Network? These newsletters include many helpful hints and tips that can help a pharmacy professional’s day run more smoothly. Pharmacy Network users are informed via broadcast message when a new newsletter is published. You can also find back issues on the Pharmacy Network website at:

The Prescribing Course – Safe Opioid Prescribing

The Atlantic Mentorship Network-Pain & Addiction will be hosting The Prescribing Course – Safe Opioid Prescribing on Saturday, February 23, 2019 at the Josiah Squibb Memorial Pavilion at the Carbonear Long Term Care Centre. For more information and to register, visit:

Professional Development Week (PDW) 2019

The Memorial University of Newfoundland School of Pharmacy is proud to be hosting Professional Development Week (PDW) 2019. Delegates will gather in St. John’s from January 9th to 12th, 2019 at the newly renovated Delta St. John’s Hotel and the St. John’s Convention Centre.

The theme of the 31st conference is “Exploring New Depths,” as we further explore the rapidly changing pharmacy profession. As young professionals, we are just skimming the surface of our careers, and there is still much to discover below the surface.

For the first time, PDW is opening conference registration to pharmacists and technicians! With a wide variety of sessions, social events, and networking activities, there is something for everyone at PDW 2019. For more information and to register, visit: or contact Sarah at, with any questions.


Issue #53 – February 2019

The Pharmacist’s Role in the Provision of Mifegymiso

Recently, the NLPB office has received several questions related to the prescribing and dispensing of Mifegymiso (mifepristone tablet/misoprostol tablets) as indicated for medical termination of a developing intra-uterine pregnancy. Therefore, we thought it would be helpful to registrants if we shared the answers to frequently-asked-questions more broadly.

Can a pharmacist dispense Mifegymiso?
Yes, as of November 2017, Mifegymiso can be dispensed directly to patients by a pharmacist or a prescribing health professional.

Does a pharmacist have to be authorized by NLPB in order to dispense Mifegymiso?
No, NLPB does not have a specific standard of practice or an authorization process for pharmacists to dispense Mifegymiso. However, as always, pharmacists must self-govern and practice only within the boundaries of their knowledge, skills, and professional competence.

Can a pharmacist prescribe Mifegymiso?
No, prescribing of Mifegymiso does not fall within the scope of prescribing by pharmacists. Mifegymiso is a schedule I product. It is not considered “emergency contraception” as it is used for termination of a developing pregnancy; therefore, the authority to prescribe Mifegymiso is not captured under the category of minor ailment prescribing. There are specific requirements for the prescribing of Mifegymiso listed in the product monograph and on the Health Canada website. It should be prescribed by health professionals with prior adequate knowledge of medical abortion and use of Mifegymiso, or who have completed a Mifegymiso education program.

How can I learn more about Mifegymiso?
As per the statement issued by Health Canada, the most recent product monograph for Mifegymiso, an education program, and educational and information tools are available to all health professionals on the Celopharma website. The product monograph can also be accessed on the Health Canada website. Pharmacists should review the complete product monograph for prescribing information including indication, contraindications, serious warnings and precautions, and adverse events.

Medicinal Cannabis – No Deliveries to Pharmacies

The Board has been receiving questions regarding the deliveries of medicinal cannabis from a licensed cannabis seller on behalf of a patient. As stated in the federal Cannabis Regulations, medicinal cannabis cannot be shipped to a patient’s pharmacy. The shipping address can be the client’s residence, mailing address if it differs from the patient’s residence, or the office of the health care practitioner who provided the medical document, and has consented to receive cannabis products on the patient’s behalf. It is important to note that pharmacists are not included in the definition of a healthcare practitioner in the Cannabis Regulations.

For more information please see Section 279(1)(e) of The Cannabis Regulations.


Issue #54 – March 2019

Destruction of Narcotics, Controlled Drugs, and Targeted Substances

As communicated in the June 2018 issue of The Postscript, Health Canada has recently released guidance documents for handling and destruction of unserviceable stock and post-consumer returns:

As NLPB continues to receive questions about destruction of controlled substances, we would like to remind registrants to review the guidance documents above (which are also posted on the Pharmacy Practice Resources page of the website along with template destruction records).

In particular, there seems to be questions around the handling of post-consumer returns. A key change in the guidance for handling of post-consumer returns is that Health Canada no longer requires pharmacists to record specific information about each returned drug. Also, pharmacists do not have to separate controlled substances from other returned prescription or non-prescription medications. Instead, the guidance document requires that ALL post-consumer returns be handled as if they contain controlled substances, regardless of the actual content. Pharmacists should refer to the guidance document above for more information about the documentation, storage, and destruction of post-consumer returns.

Comments or questions about the guidance documents can be directed to

Questions and Answers: Prescription Opioids – Sticker and Handout Requirements for Pharmacists and Practitioners

Health Canada has recently updated its bilingual guidance document related to the changes to the Food and Drug Regulations requiring pharmacists and practitioners to affix warning stickers to opioid prescriptions and provide patients with an information handout.

The update provides additional clarity on questions most frequently asked by pharmacists and stakeholders since the warning sticker requirement took effect.

Further questions about the document can be directed to

Spectrum Antimicrobial Stewardship App

The Eastern Health (EH) Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee is pleased to announce the launch of our first ever electronic antimicrobial therapy recommendations via the Spectrum app!

This app is free to download or use via desktop/web version and contains guideline, pathogen and drug information based on EH Formulary and local susceptibility data. Therapy recommendations are based on established EH guidelines wherever possible and published guidelines/expert opinion in other cases.

Drug monographs have been highly customized for use within EH and the province of NL and include:

  • IV and NG administration directions
  • dose adjustment for renal failure
  • NLPDP and Metro Community IV formulary status

Anyone who is interested in access to this information is encouraged to download the app via the app store (apple or android) or the following link:

Therapy recommendations based on local data are a cornerstone strategy of Antimicrobial Stewardship and represent a considerable step forward in promotion of the appropriate use of antimicrobials throughout Eastern Health. Our committee is very excited to make this product available and hope to expand to include more information including pediatric information in the future. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged as content is frequently reviewed and updated. Please contact your local Spectrum app administrators with questions or concerns:

Gerry McDonald (

Dr. Peter Daley (


Issue #55 – April 2019

REMINDER – Requirements of Standards of Pharmacy Operation

It has recently been brought to our attention that some of the issues identified from the Prescription Monitoring Program data have resulted from some registrants not fully adhering to the requirements of the Standards of Pharmacy Operation – Community Pharmacy. In particular:

  • Section 3.2 j) of the Standards requires that “when filling or logging a prescription for continuing therapy, any existing prescriptions for the same drug therapy with refills remaining must be deactivated to prevent them from being inappropriately filled in the future.” This requirement is also extended to prescriptions that may exist at another pharmacy. If, while filling a prescription for a patient at your pharmacy, you see that they have an active prescription for the same therapy at another pharmacy, this prescription should be deactivated. This not only prevents the patient from potentially receiving duplicate therapy, but also keeps the patient’s medication profile in the electronic health record clear.
  • Section 3.5 a) i) of the Standards requires that for each prescription dispensed to a patient, the “date the prescription was written” must be documented on the patient medication profile. It is important for registrants to ensure that the date recorded is the actual date the prescription was written and not simply the date that the prescription was presented to the pharmacy by the patient. This is important for several reasons. It is particularly important in the context of the Prescription Monitoring Program since, as part of that program, prescriber’s are required to review the patient medication profile in the electronic health record before writing a prescription for a monitored drug. When audits are conducted and these dates do not match, it could result in “explain” letters being issued to prescriber’s in error.

Wellspring Leadership Awards for 2019

On behalf of the Board of the Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy (CFP) we are pleased to announce our ongoing commitment to advancing the profession of pharmacy with a new grant of $10,000 for the Wellspring Pharmacy Leadership Awards.

While pharmacy revenues are being challenged, CFP sees the value in continuing to invest in the future of pharmacy through the development of our leaders.

These annual awards recognize both demonstrated and potential leadership in individuals in the pharmacy profession. Recipients receive up to $10,000 for initiatives that further develop personal leadership through study, experiential learning, or mentor-ship.

Candidates can nominate themselves or be nominated by others. Visit the link above for details. 

Please send submissions for the 2019 awards by April 12, 2019 to


Issue #56 – May 2019

Our 2019 Annual General Meeting, New Registrant Reception & Awards Presentation Recap

Friday, May 3, our 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and New Registrant Reception and Awards Presentation was held at the JAG Boutique Hotel in St. John’s. Margot Priddle, Registrar, and Gerri Thompson, Vice Chair who stood in for Colleen Squires, Chair, presented an overview of the Newfoundland and Labrador Pharmacy Board’s (NLPB) activities in 2018. Read our Annual Report 2018 to learn more about our business activities last year. In the evening, new and old registrants, Board members, guests and NLPB staff gathered back at the JAG Hotel to celebrate achievements of our registrants at the New Registrant Reception and Awards Presentation.

The following achievements were recognized:

Congratulations to all, and thanks to those who could make the reception!

2019 Board Election Results

And the winners are…

This year we had to go through the process of electing Zone 2 and Zone 3 members to the Newfoundland and Labrador Pharmacy Board (NLPB). Each term is three years in office beginning at our AGM that took place May 3, 2019. The election process began with a call for nominations, which was emailed to all registered pharmacists in Zones 2 and 3 on February 3, 2019. The deadline for nominations was March 3, 2019, we received one nomination for Zone 2: Jason Ryan; and two nominations for Zone 3: Jennifer Godsell, and Shawn Vallis.

Details of election 2019, including instructions on how to vote with the online system, were emailed to registered pharmacists in Zones 3 on April 4, 2019, with the requirement to vote online no later than April 27, 2019. The final results were viewed on April 29 this year.

A total of 96 registered pharmacists were eligible to vote in Zone 3. The total number of completed ballots returned was 18 (a return rate of 19%).

On May 3, at our AGM, election results were announced with Jason Ryan elected in Zone 2 by acclamation and Jennifer Godsell elected in Zone 3.
The following members comprise the NLPB Board for 2019-2020:  Board Members 2019-2020

Strengthening Our Team To Ensure Safe & Quality Pharmacy Care

Meet Newfoundland & Labrador Pharmacy Board’s new employees

We have exciting news! As the scope of pharmacy practice continues to grow, the regulatory processes to ensure safe and quality practice increase also. In saying that, we are prepared to meet the challenge. We have aligned the appropriate resources to achieve the workload associated with development, implementation, maintenance and enforcement of practice standards.

See the new faces we’ve added to the team; read about how their education and experience will help us continue to achieve excellence in self-regulation of pharmacy practice in Newfoundland and Labrador: Get to know our new employees

Please join us in welcoming:


Verifying Prescription Authenticity – Impersonation Incidents

In the interest of helping registrants meet their responsibility to verify the authenticity of prescriptions, we would like to highlight that there’s been an increased number of reports of patient or prescriber impersonation. Examples of impersonation incidents include:

  • impersonating another patient by picking up a refill of prescribed medication
  • presenting a stolen prescription
  • impersonating prescribers by telephone and verbally prescribing medications such as benzodiazepines or authorizing early release of existing prescriptions on file at the pharmacy
  • It is important to assess prescription authenticity as part of the dispensing process. This can be challenging as checking a prescription requires careful consideration of a number of factors on the spot, and often in a busy practice environment. When assessing prescriptions for authenticity, registrants should consider the patient, the prescriber, the prescription itself, and anything unusual about the situation (e.g. a prescriber calling in a verbal order when they would usually send it by fax). Whenever necessary, remember that the dispensing process should also include verifying patient and prescriber identity. Try to stay calm and avoid feeling pressured or rushed to shortcut a systemic approach when checking prescriptions, or to dispense a prescription you are uncomfortable with. When in doubt, check it out!

    What’s New? Interpretation Guides for Pharmacy Ownership Changes & Pharmacist-in-Charge Authorization

    We recently developed guidance for you on the processes for changing the ownership of a pharmacy, and authorization to be designated pharmacist-in-charge. To view the guidance documents and related application forms visit our website: Licencing Information for Pharmacies and Authorization and Registration Information for Registrants


    Issue #57 – June 2019

    Proof of Continuous Professional Liability Insurance Coverage

    Upload your documentation to your online registrant profile

    In accordance with provincial legislation and the NLPB Policy – Professional Liability Insurance Requirements for Registration, all registrants are required to provide proof of continuous professional liability insurance coverage. Each year, when you renew your policy and have received a copy of the new certificate/policy, you must upload an electronic copy of this documentation to your registrant profile. If you are uncertain how to do so, please click on this link for instructions: How to Upload Documents.

    Emails to NLPB staff with copies of your documentation will not be accepted – all documentation must be updated and uploaded on your online registrant profile.

    Health Canada’s Recommended Guidance: In the areas of security, inventory reconciliation & record-keeping for community pharmacists

    Health Canada has released recommended guidance in the areas of security, inventory reconciliation, and record-keeping for community pharmacists. The document has been made available through the NAPRA website in both English and French. Questions regarding these documents should be directed to Health Canada. The appropriate contact information can be found on the landing pages of the links above.

    New Course Alert!

    Service as a Pharmacist-in-Charge

    Registrants are invited to visit the NLPB Learning Portal to view a recently re-launched course called, Service as a Pharmacist-in-Charge: A Position of Responsibility and Accountability. Any new applicant for pharmacist-in-charge is required to take this course and it will eventually become a requirement for all pharmacists who are, or who are planning on becoming, a pharmacist-in-charge.

    Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

    • Outline regulatory context for the title “pharmacist-in-charge.”
    • Discuss the qualifications for the pharmacist-in-charge designation.
    • Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the pharmacist-in-charge.
    • Outline the NLPB Quality Assurance Program as it applies to pharmacy practice sites.
    • Describe the expectations and procedures when opening, buying/selling or closing a pharmacy.
    • Describe the expectations and procedures when renovating or relocating a pharmacy.

    This course is open to all registrants and, upon completion, can be recorded as a non-accredited learning activity in your online learning portfolio.

    The Apothecary – Spring 2019

    Updated look & style

    The Apothecary, the official newsletter of the NLPB, has recently been updated to better communicate important messages and information with registrants. In the Spring 2019 edition, NLPB core values have been defined and they are also updated on our website. Also in this edition, Registrar Margot Priddle delivers an important message regarding OAMT services, and some “lessons learned” are shared from recent complaints and discipline matters.

    If you have comments regarding the new look of the publication, or suggestions on content you would like to see in the next edition please email


    Issue #58 – July 2019

    We’re Moving!

    After over 30 years at Apothecary Hall, 488 Water Street, the Newfoundland and Labrador Pharmacy Board (NLPB) is relocating our office to 145 Kelsey Drive, St. John’s, Suite 201. With the expanding scope of pharmacy practice, and a strengthened mission, NLPB has developed office resources and hired additional staff to accommodate this shift. This move will allow NLPB to continue enabling pharmacy professionals to deliver the best possible care for the public. While we will provide continuous communications both up to the moving date, and post move, please remember to create individual reminders and update address records for NLPB.

    As for our dear Apothecary Hall, a task force has been struck and Board members are busy investigating the best option for the building, and the James J. O’Mara Pharmacy Museum. Once a decision has been made, NLPB will release an announcement.

    Any closures or delays in business operations due to the move will be communicated to you in advance. Please keep an eye on your email, our website and social media accounts for up to date information regarding the move.

    Thanks for your patience and cooperation.

    New duty to report notifiable communicable diseases

    On July 1, 2019, the Public Health Protection and Promotion Act (PHPPA) and Public Health Protection and Promotion Regulations came into force. The PHPPA creates measures for the early detection and management of health risks to the population of Newfoundland & Labrador, including measures to help monitor and minimize the spread of communicable disease.

    In order to help monitor and minimize the spread of communicable disease, the PHPPA mandates that pharmacists, and other health care professionals, report suspected or confirmed diagnosis of notifiable communicable diseases. A notifiable communicable disease is one found on the Notifiable Disease List (included below). As a front-line health care professional, you may be the first one to suspect the presence of a notifiable communicable disease in a patient.

    The documents below are from the Chief Medical Officer of Health. Please review them to ensure that you are familiar with your new duty to report:

    Pharmacy technicians wanted for Disciplinary Panel

    In May, NLPB sent a notice looking for interested registered pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to serve as members of NLPB’s Disciplinary Panel. The Disciplinary Panel is a committee of registrants and public representatives who perform an important role in the Complaints and Discipline process. As a member of the panel, you will be one of a pool of individuals who may be called upon to make decisions about complaints filed against pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.

    Currently, pharmacy technicians are in demand for this role to ensure the perspective of their field is brought to any adjudication tribunal decisions concerning a pharmacy technician’s practice.

    Become involved with the work of your regulatory body! Strong reasoning and conflict resolutions skills are an asset. Please put your name forward for consideration as a member of the Disciplinary Panel. Contact Gayle Johnson, Complaints and Quality Assurance Coordinator for more information.


    Issue #59 – August 2019

    Back in business!

    Thanks for your patience during our move!

    The NLPB office is now located in Suite 201 at 145 Kelsey Drive, St. John’s, NL.

    During the week of August 5 – 9, NLPB staff were busy relocating offices. Regular operations and activities resumed today at the Kelsey Drive location. This optimized workspace allows NLPB to continue enabling pharmacy professionals to deliver the best possible pharmacy care for the public.

    Please remember to update our address accordingly in your records and contacts. You can now find us here:

    Opioid Use Disorder & Dependence Treatment

    Eastern Health Webinar August 27

    Given the opioid crisis we are facing across the country, and more specifically in our province, it is the duty of health care practitioners to stay informed about opioid use disorder (OUD) and the treatment options available in Newfoundland & Labrador. On August 27, 2019, at 1:30-2:30 pm (NDT), Eastern Health is holding a webinar to discuss:

      • what Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is;
    • the signs and symptoms of OUD;
    • how OUD is diagnosed;
    • who provides Opioid Dependence Treatment (ODT) and what is involved; and
    • how ODT is accessed in the new provincial “Hub and Spoke” model.

    Check out the full webinar details here and register today!

    SaferMedsNL offering free evidence-based PPI deprescribing resources

    SaferMedsNL is offering free evidence-based resources to guide PPI deprescribing in appropriate patients and reduce the risk of rebound symptoms. These tools can help engage your patients in a conversation to review if PPIs are still necessary or if they can be deprescribed. Become part of the movement to improve Proton Pump Inhibitor use in your patients by ordering these free resources today. SaferMedsNL will ensure that resources are shipped as soon as possible. Please note that quantities available are subject to change based on demand.


    Issue #60 – September 2019

    Memo to students & interns

    School is back in session!

    Memorial School of Pharmacy students are reminded that the deadline to register with the Newfoundland & Labrador Pharmacy Board (NLPB) is September 30, 2019. As the regulator for pharmacy practice in NL, all students and interns are required to be registered with NLPB. Proof of current liability coverage also must be uploaded to your online profile by Sept 30.

    First year students – those graduating in 2024 – will receive a user name and password via email. It is mandatory for first year students to provide NLPB a valid criminal check and photo identification.

    Graduates of class 2019, please keep in mind that if you have not yet registered as a pharmacist you must register as an intern if you plan on working in a pharmacy in NL. The intern registration form can be found here.

    Happy studies and/or safe practicing!

    Be overdose aware – every day!

    August 31 was International Overdose Awareness Day

    Pharmacy professionals can play a big part in harm reduction in our communities. NLPB supports prevention of opioid-related harms through Standards of Practice for Providing Naloxone & Opioid Agonist Maintenance Treatment Services.

    Check out these other educational resources that can be used to raise awareness of overdose and to help reduce stigma:

    Evaluating prescribing authority: Midwives

    A component of regular pharmacy practice for a pharmacist is determining the eligibility of a prescriber as part of the process for assessing the validity of a prescription.

    We recently heard from a pharmacist who inquired about whether or not midwives could prescribe, and secondly asked what a pharmacists’ role in assessing the eligibility of such prescribers was. Given that this is a situation that may arise regularly for registrants we want to share the answer in hopes it can help others in the future.

    In this particular case, specific to midwives, pharmacists should be aware of the following:

    • Registered Midwives (RMs) are authorized to prescribe under an Act of the province so the definition of “prescription” in the Pharmacy Act, 2012 is met.
    • It must be certain that the particular RM writing the prescription is indeed an official RM. This can be verified by checking the public register available on the NL Council of Health Professionals website.
    • It must be determined what RMs are eligible to prescribe – what is their scope of practice? This can be achieved by referring to Midwives Regulations and the Standards of Practice for Midwifery Prescribing Medications.

    While this case deals specifically with midwives, the prescriber evaluation process listed above will remain similar for determining eligibility of other health professionals.

    If you have practice questions, or have encountered a valuable learning situation that you feel other registrants can benefit from hearing about, email with the details.

    Professional Liability Insurance Audits in October

    Attention all registrants: It’s that time of the year again!

    Due to the public risk that exists if registrants are practicing without the required insurance, NLPB conducts a professional liability insurance audit each year. In 2018, 16 registrants were non-compliant with NLPB’s professional liability insurance requirements.

    Reasons for non-compliance were:

    • Gaps in coverage due to failure to renew, or employment changes; or,
    • Coverage did not meet the specifications of NLPB’s policy for minimum coverage.

    In accordance with provincial legislation and the NLPB Policy – Professional Liability Insurance Requirements for Registration, all NLPB registrants are required to provide proof of continuous professional liability insurance coverage. Each year, when you renew your policy, you must upload an electronic copy of your new insurance certificate once you receive it.

    If you do not have your insurance information updated on your NLPB profile please do so ASAP. If you have any questions about how to upload documentation and/or the PLI audit process, please contact Gayle Johnson, Complaints and Quality Assurance Coordinator, at


    Issue #61 – November 2019

    Registration renewal rundown

    Registration renewal 2020 began on October 24 – therefore we’re over 20 days into renewals!

    Here’s a rundown of the percentages of registered pharmacy professionals and licensed pharmacies for 2020 as of November 15*:

    • Pharmacists: 18%
    • Pharmacy Technicians: 30%
    • Pharmacies: 42%

    Deadline for registration and licensing renewal is November 30, 2019 at midnight. To avoid unnecessary late fees, please log into your online profile and complete the renewal process before the deadline. Completing registration renewal includes entering your continuing professional development and paying the annual fee. Pharmacists-in-charge must renew their own registration before renewing the pharmacy licence.

    Is CPR & First Aid required for all pharmacists?

    Recently, NLPB was asked if pharmacists who do not provide injection services are required to maintain First Aid/CPR certification.

    NLPB standards, for the Safe and Effective Administration of Drug Therapy by Inhalation or Injection, state that current certification in CPR Level C or HCP and Emergency or Standard First Aid from a recognized provider (e.g. St. John Ambulance, the Canadian Red Cross) must be maintained at all times while administering injections or inhalations. Pharmacists are required to submit proof of completion when applying for authorization to provide injections and inhalations. Pharmacists who receive such authorization are required to declare continuance of certification and upload a copy of their current First Aid/CPR certificate, which may be subject to audit. However, NLPB does not require this if a pharmacist does not have authorization to provide injections and inhalations.

    Pharmacists should note that the NAPRA Model Standards of Practice for Canadian Pharmacists (adopted by NLPB, see p. 15) states that “pharmacists, when providing patient care, maintain certifications in CPR and emergency First Aid, at the equivalent of the Red Cross Workplace Standard First Aid & CPR Course level.” As self-regulated health professionals, pharmacists are expected to determine the applicability of this standard to the patient care they provide. Pharmacists should apply professional judgment to make this determination with the best interest and safety of their patients in mind.

    Patient safety tips for purchasing over the counter medications

    A pharmacy in St. John’s recently had an incident involving over the counter product tampering. Given this public safety issue, it is a great time to remind your patients of safety tips to use when purchasing over the counter medications (click the link). Do you follow @nlpharmacyboard on Facebook or Twitter? You can share the most recent posts regarding patient safety tips with your followers.

    If and when a situation involving public safety like this occurs, please remember to notify NLPB of any information that you have available as soon as possible.

    The first Newfoundland & Labrador Pharmacy Practice Executive Exchange

    Coming up in early December is the first ever Newfoundland & Labrador Pharmacy Practice Executive Exchange for NLPB, PANL, CAPT and CSHP. This is an opportunity for the executives, or key representatives, of these groups to come together during an afternoon to network, engage and discuss strategic outlook for the coming year. NLPB will be hosting the event in 2019 and will provide a recap of the discussion and activities taking place once it concludes.

    Attendees include representatives from:

    • Newfoundland & Labrador Pharmacy Board (NLPB)
    • Pharmacists Association of Newfoundland & Labrador (PANL)
    • Canadian Association of Pharmacy Technicians NL (CAPT)
    • Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists NL (CSHP)

    FAQ are there for you!

    We have several Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages online. These pages can be found quickly and easily by clicking on one of the main menu topic areas and then picking the relevant FAQ page from the list. They include a number of commonly asked questions related to areas like:


    Issue #62 – December 2019

    Upcoming holiday hours

    The holidays are almost here! NLPB is sending out wishes for a happy and safe holiday season. Please be advised that the NLPB office will be closed December 24, 2019 – January 1, 2020 inclusive. The office will open to begin the new year on January 2, 2020.

    Registration & licensing renewal 2020 wrap-up

    Another renewal season has passed and we look forward to continuing to work with our registrants in 2020.

    Here’s a brief wrap-up of renewals:

    • Online renewals began October 24.
    • Only 3 pharmacists and one pharmacy had a late fee applied, which means 100% of pharmacy technicians, 99.6% of pharmacists and 99.5% of pharmacies paid on time.
    • About 50% of pharmacists renewed during the last three days of the renewal period.
    • New this year, NLPB will email each pharmacist-in-charge (PIC) their pharmacy licence – a hard copy will not be mailed – PIC’s are required to print and display the emailed pharmacy licence in the pharmacy within full view of the public.
    • Did you know, the fastest growing segment of NLPB registrants is pharmacy technicians? Pharmacy technicians were first able to register in NL in 2015. By December 2017, we had 100 registered pharmacy technicians. There are now over 200 technicians registered in the province.
    • Currently, pharmacy technicians are more likely to work in hospital settings than in community or other settings. In NL, 65% of technicians work in hospitals. Other provinces report similar numbers, 60% in Ontario and 64% in Saskatchewan.

    Keep these tips top of mind for next year:

    • Give yourself some uninterrupted time earlier in the fall to sit down and enter your professional development to avoid scrambling at the last minute.
    • If you have questions about changing your category of registration, going on leave, retiring, or moving out of province, be sure to contact the NLPB office well in advance of the renewal deadline so we have ample time to address your specific situation and give you appropriate advice.
    • If your employer is paying your annual registration fee, make sure you register early to have your invoice ready for them to pay.
    • Read the Registration and Licensing FAQs carefully as your question may already be addressed.
    • If you ever need assistance during renewals, contact the office during business hours. Please allow 1-2 days for a response, particularly during the last week of the renewal period.

    Thanks to all registrants for a successful renewal season!

    Changes to Occupational Health & Safety Regulations

    Beginning on January 1, 2020, changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2012 regarding workplace violence and harassment will take effect. Among other things, these changes expand the definition of violence and workplace harassment, and require employers to develop a written harassment prevention plan and participate in training relating to harassment prevention. For more information on the changes and on what you are required to do as an employer, please visit WorkplaceNL.

    Handling & destruction of post-consumer returns containing controlled substances

    Health Canada recently released revisions to their guidance relating to the handling and destruction of post-consumer returns containing controlled substances. The objectives of this document are to:

    • set out procedures for pharmacists who are involved in the collection, provision and destruction of unused or expired drug products containing controlled substances;
    • clarify that businesses involved in the provision or destruction of post-consumer returns must have a Controlled Drugs Licence;
    • clarify that licensed dealers authorized to destroy a narcotic, controlled drug or targeted substance can accept both post-consumer returns as well as unserviceable stock; and
    • set out record-keeping requirements for licensed dealers and pharmacists involved in the provision and destruction of post-consumer returns.
    • Pharmacists and licensed dealers have the responsibility to take all reasonable steps to protect post-consumer returns against lost or theft. If applicable to you, read the full document in the link above.

    The first Newfoundland & Labrador Pharmacy Practice Executive Exchange

    On Friday, December 6, NLPB hosted the first ever Newfoundland & Labrador Pharmacy Practice Executive Exchange. This was an opportunity for the executives, or key representatives, of the leaders in pharmacy practice in NL to come together during an afternoon to network, engage and discuss strategic outlook for the coming year. NLPB had a fantastic showing – with representatives from all invited parties in attendance. The afternoon consisted of each group discussing their role, objectives, events for the coming year and issues/opportunities for others to potentially provide support with. In the next edition of the Apothecary, and on social media, NLPB will provide summaries of some of the key messages shared during the executive exchange – stay tuned!

    PANL has graciously agreed to host the next executive exchange in 2020. Thanks to all who attended!

    Attendees included representatives from:

    • Newfoundland & Labrador Pharmacy Board (NLPB)
    • Pharmacists Association of Newfoundland & Labrador (PANL)
    • Canadian Association of Pharmacy Technicians NL (CAPT)
    • Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists NL (CSHP)
    • Memorial University School of Pharmacy

    FAQ are there for you!

    We have several Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages online. These pages can be found quickly and easily by clicking on one of the main menu topic areas and then picking the relevant FAQ page from the list. They include a number of commonly asked questions related to areas like:

    Regular reminders

    Registrant Contact Information – Registrants are responsible for ensuring that the contact information on their registrant profile, including email address and practice site, is accurate at all times. The NLPB primarily uses email communication to send newsletters, renewal reminders, practice site assessment information, professional development audit information, calls for interest for committees, and other alerts. If the email address on file is incorrect, important information may be missed and/or disclosed to the wrong person. If your contact information changes, please log into the NLPB Registrant Login to update your file with your new contact information as soon as you can.

    Forgot Your Password? – You can retrieve your NLPB Online Registrant Portal password at any time. Under the Login box, click the message that says, “Forgot your password? Click here to restore it.” On the next screen, enter your NLPB username, if you know it, or your email address. Click “Retrieve.” In a few minutes, you will receive an email with your username and password. Once you are logged into your profile, you can change your password.

    Receipts & Invoices – NLPB’s Registrant Portal maintains all receipts created by the system. If, for any reason, you need a receipt or to view an invoice, you can do so from your registrant profile. Once logged in, click on “Renewal Other/Invoices” and then select either “view invoice” or “print invoice” next to the one you are interested in.

    This e-newsletter contains information on a wide variety of topics intended to enhance the practice of pharmacy in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. As it is published and circulated to all registrants on a monthly basis, it is the expectation of NLPB that all registrants are aware of the matters contained therein.

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